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Archive for 'user interface'

register this

godaddy is the world’s largest registrar, with 50,000,000 domain names. as they grew, they became shameless hucksters, with incessant (and probably successful) attempts to sell un-needed additional services to those who don’t know better, and blatantly sexist marketing, featuring “godaddy girls”. i’m not even going to go into their ceo posting a video on youtube […]

forest for the trees

being good at what you do apparently has little to do with your ability to self-promote. take this case in point. i just finished the add-a-garage website. getting information i could use to maximize their marketing moment was like pulling teeth. they seemed to think that ‘founded in 1987’ was enough, and would reassure homeowners […]

for iphone users… doesn’t listening to a voicemail mean you’ve been made aware of a recent call?

i’m playing tennis. i miss an incoming call. the caller leaves a voicemail. when i’m done playing tennis, i check my phone, and see that i have a recent call and a voicemail. i listen to the voicemail… which means i’m aware that that person called, yes? so why do i have to go to […]